Wednesday, July 8, 2009


One of the themes we like to focus on in Wiserhealth is making the most out of precious time. We don't all have the luxury of lots of time to work out. Latest studies have shown that interval training is really efficient. This is were the body trains at a regular speed and then goes for short all-out spurts, recovers at the regular speed and hits the super-fast pace again. 

It trains your body to push harder, burning fat, forcing lungs and heart to work hard. Here's a good treadmill interval session that's easy to memorize:

4 minutes warm-up, 30 second sprint, 1:30 solid pace, 30 second sprint, 1:30 solid pace, 30 second sprint, 30 seconds solid pace, 30 seconds sprint, 30 seconds back to normal, 30 seconds of sprinting, back to 1:30 recovery rate, 30 second sprint, one more 1:30 recovery, the last 30 second sprint concluded by 3:30 of warm down as the solid pace.

It adds up to 18 minutes. Easy in, easy out. Remember to really work hard during the sprints. This stuff really works. You should feel like quitting in the middle portion if you are doing it right.

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