Friday, January 9, 2009

junk food is good

What do you mean junk food is good? Isn't this a blog about health?

Of course, junk food isn't good for you... if you eat too much of it. I try to eat healthy as much as I can. I am fortunate to have a nice little mom-and-pop grocery store with an excellent selection of fresh produce.

But when I go home to Philly, I grab a buddy and head to Delessandro's for a cheesesteak, sauce and fried onions. It's one of the most unhealthy foods on earth - the white bread, the processed cheese and red meat overload.

However, this is time to enjoy with one of the best tasting foods on earth and a chance to spend time with getting down with a hometown ritual. Allow yourself some "bad foods" in life. Don't beat yourself up if you do indulge. Enjoy it... but just not too often.

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