Sunday, April 25, 2010

Another post on coffee

Coffee is one of my favorite beverages. It's pretty good for you too, except when you add milk and sugar and other things that really take away from the coffee experience. My feeling is that you should only drink coffee straight, black that is. If you don't like it that way, it's probably because you are used to drinking bad coffee.

Wiser Health champions simplicity, and here's a simple way to make the perfect cup of coffee every time. Grab some fresh beans, a conical grinder and a French press and you'll have a lifetime of delicious coffee. If you buy high-quality whole beans, you'll save money and be satisfied with just a cup or two, a key to not getting the jitters and the other negative effects of coffee.

Here's a great guide from Stumptown Coffee's website on how to make the perfect coffee every time.

In case, you need to know why coffee is good for you, check this out.

Another great benefit of enjoying coffee in its purest form, you won't suffer the embarrassment of ordering a "grande skinny vanilla soy latte" at Starbucks. It's so much cooler to say, "Give me a small coffee." Try it. Old women will start smiling at you. People will hold doors for you. Only Starbucks' marketing folks will be upset for not adhering to their asinine sizing lingo.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

26.2 miles? Do you have to train?

I posed this challenge on Facebook after watching an episode of "How I Met Your Mother?" where Barney runs the NYC Marathon in a decent time without training. I know this is a sitcom, but it presented an interesting challenge for a non-distance runner.

I remember growing up watching the Philadelphia marathon and thinking that running to Center City was pretty far. Now that I'm an adult, it doesn't seem that far.

OK. I'm going to try it for the sake of just seeing how my body is going to react. My Facebook friends have suggested upcoming marathons.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Give it up for Jane Fonda

Jane Fonda was instrumental for taking exercise to the masses. The indelible image of leg warmers, leotards and head bands will forever represent getting fit in the 1980s.

The recent Sunday New York Times Magazine has a revealing interview with the fitness guru.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

An ode to simplicity

One of the hallmarks of Wiser Health is the celebration of making health and fitness simple.

Thanks to one of my favorite sites The Art of Manliness for posting this classic text on "The Greatness of Simplicity."

Here is an excerpt:

"Nature, in all her revelations, seeks to teach man the greatness of simplicity. Health is but the living of a physical life in harmony with a few simple, clearly defined laws. Simple food, simple exercise, simple precautions will work wonders."

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Wiser Health is all about efficiency. So we advocate sprinting like a track star. Run fast to run faster. Sprinting forces your body to go all-out, working the lungs, heart, legs and more. You can force your body to do a lot of work in a short amount of time.

You can sprint anywhere there's some open space, on a treadmill, on a court, in the park, on a bike. Mix in sudden sprints as part of your regular run. Race your friend to the next stop sign.

Watch Usain Bolt for inspiration.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Beer or workout? Why not both.

Often around the end of the workday I'll hear a grumbling from the cubicle across from me. "Do I go have beers or go workout? I don't want to work out."

Wiser Health says doing both is the best solution. That's why we keep our workouts to about 20-30 minutes. Workout, shower and then go have a drink with friends. There's always someone that gets to happy hour a little late. So you can be the one to join up a little later. Trust me, you'll be able to get right into the swing of things.

Exercising and drinking are healthy. What other health site is going to tell you that with no reservations? It's good to occasionally let loose with friends and laugh a lot.

Or better yet, if the threat of beer after work is a constant, work out in the morning.

Here's a chance to plug one of my favorite bars. Eulogy in Philadelphia. All Belgian beers, all the time.