Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Cool salad ideas

There's always a place for sharing a great article on how to made salads that aren't the same old thing. Summertime is great for gathering all these fresh ingredients. Here's the article from the Times.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Don't cheat

I saw an ad for a rope-less jump rope once. How idiotic is that?

The whole point of jumping rope is get into a rhythm. I see tons of products advertised to make exercise easier, mostly trying to trick people into whittling down their midsections.

Good exercise can be hard, but it gets easier. The key is to know your limits. Instead of choosing the easier machine at the gym, go with a free weight but use a manageable weight. Free weights are, for the most part, better at building the body. Instead of walking that last mile, jog slower.

Work hard in the moment and the rewards will come.