It's been awhile since my last post, but today I watched Lance suffer and fall behind the leaders during the second mountain stage of the Tour de France. Lance, at 38, vowed this would be his last. It has been an incredible run for the most dominant Tour rider ever.
Since his rise to bicycling champ, celebrity and cancer fighter, Armstrong has raised the profile of his sport and his cause. He's become the epitome of a competitor. He still inspires me, running marathons, and just for being a champion for health and fitness.
Seeing the peloton climb today again reminded me, as it does every year, of how fit certain athletes are (regardless of doping). Our time on Earth is limited and we only have one body. It's a shame if you never see how far your body can go.
If you've never been gone from being average to being in shape, it's a worthy journey - to train your body to work, over and over again, to truly maximize its potential. Is there a more sophisticated machine? Our bodies are so intricate, able to do so much.
This post rambles a bit, as I have probably too much going on in my mind. The incredible jousting in the World Cup was also dazzling, as is the amazing pitching duel the Phillies and Reds just completed. There's an athlete in each of us just waiting to shine.
Are Americans Doing Fitness Wrong?
4 hours ago